
Counseling services


In general, our therapists treat most psychological disorders and depending on training, use a variety of methods and techniques.   The staff biographies detail the types of concerns each therapist addresses and the methods they use.  Our counseling staff complete training in both Christian theology and behavioral health disciplines. Most therapists have received specialized training in areas of their interest such as marriage and family or addictions and use a variety of treatment modalities such as Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy,  EMDR, mindfulness, etc.  Our staff work with clients as young as three and as old as 95.  We also serve the Deaf Community and our offices are handicapped accessible.

As a non-profit organization, the Central DuPage Pastoral Counseling Center offers its services to all regardless of age, race, faith, or socio-economic background.


Psychological Assessment Services

Your therapist may use psychological assessments to aid in making a diagnosis or in creating a treatment plan for you.  Many of the assessments we use with children help identify learning disorders or behavioral issues.  If  your therapist encourages you to take an assessment, s/he will go over the results with you.  Often, clients will gain new understanding of themselves as a result of the assessment, which can positively impact their therapy goals.  Religious communities and seminaries often request an assessment as part of a screening process for their candidates. We also use assessments as part of some workshop events such as the Pre-Marriage and Couples Communication workshops.


Educational services

Our educational services evolved out of an interest to further healing and growth opportunities beyond the clinical therapist-client setting.  We provide these services at our offices, at other organizations, and at many of our affiliate churches.  Several of our workshops are offered on a re-occurring basis such as Pre-Marriage, Couple Communication, and Mindfulness.  Others deal with specific topics such as parenting or grief.   

Information about the events we are currently offering can be found on our home page.

Educational Opportunities for Affiliate Churches:
The Center is supported by over twenty-five Catholic parishes and Protestant churches.  These supporting churches are affiliates of the Center and members of their congregations receive a discount on all of our educational events.  In addition, the Center’s professional staff provide in-house workshops to the churches, some at no cost and these events can be tailor-made with Center-provided speakers.

What Others Say. . .


“Thank you for the wonderful Adult Education class.  It was so appreciated by everyone who attended. People appreciate learning about topics that are relevant to their faith and well-being.  Additionally, they appreciate knowing there is a place where they can find additional faith-based support and resources – the Center. . .a very meaningful and supportive three-week class.”
CS | First Presbyterian Church of Glen Ellyn

Director of Adult Ministries


"I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper and not harm you."

Jeremiah 29:17

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Affordable, compassionate care since 1976